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ISO standardiseringsarbejde

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The process for the completion of an ISO standard:

  • Stage 0 Investigation
  • Stage 1 (proposal stage): An NP (New Project) is under consideration.  (This is a three month ballot)
  • Stage 2 (preparatory stage): A WD (Working Draft) is under consideration.
  • Stage 3 (committee stage): A CD/FCD (Committee Draft/Final Committee Draft) is under consideration. (A CD ballot is a 3 month ballot, whereas a FCD ballot is a four month ballot)
  • Stage 4 (approval stage): An FDIS (Final Draft International Standard) is under consideration. (This is a two month ballot)
  • Stage 5 (publication stage): An IS (International Standard) is being prepared for publication.

To summarize, the project may go through a study period, the outcome of which is an NP. The NP goes for a three month ballot. If approved it goes into a workgroup for a period of time (one to three years typically). The document then goes through a CD ballot (three months minimum), followed by a FCD ballot (four months minimum), followed by a FDIS ballot (two months), followed by publication. So we typically have a two to four year time period to create a standard.

Bemærk at ovenstående er for fremstilling af en ny standard eller en ny version af en eksisterende ISO standard.

Der er muligheder for at fremstille en ny standard hurtigere end ovenstående hvis noget af arbejdet i de indledende faser er gjort på forhånd af andre instandser (f.eks. en nationale standardiserings kommiterer har lavet en national standard som ønskes ophøjet til ISO standard).